Reflection on GaLEND Experiences

As I entered into the GaLEND orientation in August, and first met my fellow cohort members, I was immediately amazed by the sheer amount of knowledge, skill, and experience that filled a single room. I personally brought to the table my knowledge as a Developmental Psychology PhD student, as well as my 5 years of experience working in early intervention and disability services for the US Marine Corps, however I was greeted by PhDs in Occupational Therapy, School Psychologists, Nurses, Social Workers, CDC Public Health Fellows, Speech and Language Pathologists, Professors, Students, Family members, and individuals who had strong roles in advocacy within their own disability community. It was such a blend of experiences and personalities, all surrounding the common goal of supporting individuals with disabilities within our own fields.

Throughout the year, these individuals pushed and stretched me in so many ways. It is amazing to look back and see just how much I’ve grown, both professionally and personally, thanks to the stimulating conversations, sharing of knowledge and experiences, and personal connection that I’ve made with this diverse group of trainees and professors I now call my LEND family. The knowledge and perspectives that I have gained through LEND have seeped into everything that I do as a developmental psychologist, and has forever changed the lens through which I view my own research. This experience has also changed how I view myself as an advocate for others. I would have previously never considered myself a “leader” in this realm, however I have since found myself in numerous conversations with colleagues, friends and family, and realized how much of an opportunity I now have to shape the way we have conversations about disabilities, services, and advocacy for others.

GaLEND was an eye-opening, and dare I say life-changing, experience for me.

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